Saturday, June 10, 2017

Kyoto Gardens: Masterworks of the Japanese Gardener's Art by Judith Clancy

It seems that the more gardens you see in Kyoto the more gardens and temples there are left to see. And even though I told myself I'd seen enough gardens during my most recent four-day trip to the old Japanese capital, Kyoto Gardens had made me realize how I have scratched the surface. 

The book captures the essence of the key gardens and grounds each in four page profiles. Packed with pictures and accompanying short descriptions you get a quick look at and a bit of history of the garden and its temple or palace home. 

And actually one great advantage of the book is it has all the photos you wish you could have taken but couldn't because the light was wrong or there were 356 tourists in front of you. So for the places you've been it's a great return visit.

It's a great guide. So I have officially renounced my thought I'd seen enough gardens and temples. I need to see more and this will be my decision guide. 

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